Biodiverse Brisbane Initiative
Growing Brisbane’s native flora and fauna.



About the program
The Biodiverse Brisbane Initiative’s vision is to improve the biodiversity of native plants and animals within the city.
The Biodiverse Brisbane Initiative is supporting Council’s Brisbane. Clean, Green, and Sustainable target of increasing natural habitat cover on mainland Brisbane to 40% by 2031, where 75% of the natural habitat will be connected and healthy.
The focus of the Initiative is the revegetation of strategic ecological wetland and waterway corridors across the city with native trees, shrubs and groundcovers. This new planting will increase movement corridors and habitat for land-based animals, improve water quality in our rivers and creeks, provide an increase in aquatic animal habitats and increase shade to cool our suburbs.

Delivering the vision
Brisbane Sustainability Agency is collaborating with Greening Australia, to help deliver the Biodiverse Brisbane Initiative.
With the shared goal of increasing natural habitat within our city, Brisbane Sustainability Agency and Greening Australia are working together to achieve the target of planting one million native plants within wetland areas and waterway corridors across Brisbane by 2032.
Greening Australia is a national not-for-profit organisation committed to restoring Australia’s diverse landscapes and protecting biodiversity in ways that benefit communities, economies, and nature. Reliant on corporate contributors, its Nature in Cities Initiative is a national program focused on outcomes such as growing a connected network of high-quality urban habitat and establishing cool, biodiverse and resilient refuges for people and wildlife.
The first outcome of our collaboration with Greening Australia commenced in September 2023, with over 32,000 native plants planted at Archerfield Wetlands in the south-western Brisbane suburb of Durack. The regeneration of the Archerfield Wetlands site is a key outcome of the Oxley Creek Corridor Restoration Project.
Further projects associated with this collaboration will be announced soon.
Get involved
Are you or your business passionate about sustainability? Then express your interest in getting involved in the Biodiverse Brisbane Initiative.
In the coming months, Brisbane Sustainability Agency will be exploring various opportunities for individuals and businesses to collaborate with us on opportunities such as team tree-planting days and land restoration sponsorship projects.
If would you like to express your interest to participate in the Initiative, or if you have feedback and/or specific suggestions on how you would like to participate, please feel free to contact the team at (07) 3007 7000 or email
More information
If you would like more information on the Biodiverse Brisbane Initiative, visit our frequently asked questions.
Alternatively, you can contact Brisbane Sustainability Agency directly at (07) 3007 7000 or email