Eco activities for the school holidays

Get creative with your kids over the holidays with these simple, crafty DIYs.

Make a Bee Hotel

It’s time to host your own Air Bee-N-Bee! Use bamboo and recycled materials to make these decorative homes for Australian native bees. Australian native bees are great pollinators for your garden, and they are stingless!

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DIY bird feeder

If your kids are already climbing the walls and saying, ‘I’m bored’, round up a toilet roll and some items from your pantry and create this simple bird feeder!

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DIY worm farm

Looking for some low maintenance pets to keep the kids entertained? Round up some recycled materials from your home and local greengrocer to make a simple DIY worm farm for hundreds of wriggly new friends who will eat your kitchen scraps, make fertiliser for your garden and reduce your carbon emissions at the same time! 

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Make your own nature crown

Raid the recycling bin for cardboard and scavenge twigs, bark and flowers from your backyard to create this bespoke nature crown.

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Take a nature quest

Recycle an egg carton and get ready to explore your backyard and beyond with this fun nature quest!

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