Waste savings start here.

Use the filter to find ways to save on waste that suit your business goals.

A stack of used plastic pallets Low Cost

Save on bills by giving away your unwanted resources and waste

All Brisbane businesses now have free access to ASPIRE – a platform to buy, sell or giveaway for free unused resources and waste to other businesses.
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reduce waste save money cost business Low Cost

The seven C’s to reduce waste and save

| BUSINESS | Events and marketing expenses can add up quickly. Despite the preparation involved, much of what is prepared and provided may end up in the bin soon after. Reducing waste is a great way to reduce expenses.
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compost low waste business Low Cost

Free and affordable compost options

| BUSINESS | Composting your food waste instead of sending it to landfill can free up space in your general waste bins.
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waste audit business save money Low Cost

Take a deep dive into your waste to save

| BUSINESS | Knowing what you are actually paying for in waste disposal costs is the first step towards savings. A bin inspection will offer insights for waste minimisation.
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Low Cost

How to start a recycling program to save money

| BUSINESS | Paper, bottles and boxes fill general waste bins quickly, increasing waste costs. You can reduce your waste costs through recycling. Here’s how to start.
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