Rebuild and Recover Flood Resilient Communities Program
Find answers to your most frequently asked questions here.
Program information
In response to this event, Brisbane City Council announced the Rebuild and Recover Flood Resilient Communities Program (RRFRCP), delivered in partnership with Brisbane Sustainability Agency. The Program will support flood-affected community-leased organisations through assisting them to better understand their estimated flood level and risk, as well as supporting organisations with knowledge, advice and recommendations to ‘build back better’ to reduce future flooding impacts.
The program is funded by Council and is provided as a free service, by invitation, to clubs who lease facilities from Council. The RRFRCP applies the principles of the existing Flood Resilient Homes Program to assist clubs in ‘building back better’. This is done by providing participants three services; an on-site assessment, a Flood Resilience Recommendations Report and for some participants, a Building Program.
*In this Program, ‘flooding’ is defined as flooding from overland flow, creek or river water sources which is defined under the ‘Flood information’ section.
What is the Flood Resilience Building Program?
The Flood Resilience Building Program (Building Program) will implement some of the works recommended in the Recommendations Report. It is designed to encourage participants to increase their facility’s flood resilience with assistance from Council. The Building Program will include both the cost of the works and project management to manage the onsite works and delivery to ensure a positive experience.
In many cases, it is not possible to completely avoid flooding, so using flood resilient design and its building principles is one of the best ways to help reduce the stress, time and cost spent recovering from a flood event.
View a list of flood resilience strategies for homes that showcase many different design techniques and materials.
Further program information
Once you’ve completed the form, Brisbane Sustainability Agency will contact you to organise next steps. Alternatively, you can contact Brisbane Sustainability Agency on 07 3007 7013 or email to discuss the program.
Flood information
The Flood Awareness Map provides general flood levels (including historic flood events) and flood maps for the Brisbane Local Government Area. The Flood Awareness Map can be used to locate the FloodWise Property Report for your property.
These reports are publicly available and provide property-specific information on estimated flood levels, habitable floor level requirements and more technical information and development flags on the sources of flooding applicable to your property.
To access a FloodWise Property Report, go to the main page of Council’s Flood Information Online.
Alerts are based on forecasts from the Bureau of Meteorology, with quick actions you can take to minimise the impact of severe weather on your home or business. Visit and search ‘Brisbane Severe Weather Alert’ to register online.
Be prepared for flooding
Brisbane City Council is committed to creating a more resilient city by ensuring residents, businesses and organisations are better prepared to endure future severe weather events. The free tools and information accessed through the below links can help Brisbane residents, businesses and organisations understand their property’s flood risk and how to prepare for future flood events:
Flood Awareness Map – To identify the likelihood and sources of flooding that may affect your property, sourced from the latest flood studies and models.
FloodWise Property Report – Download a FloodWise Property Report to understand the risk and type of flooding at a specific property to enable you to plan and build new habitable floor levels in accordance with Brisbane City Council’s requirements.
Brisbane Severe Weather Alert Service – Sign up to receive free alert notices of severe thunderstorms, destructive winds and potential flooding.
Visit Council’s be prepared web page for more information on how you can prepare yourself and your property for severe weather events.
Flood preparation, recovery and emergency phone numbers
Life-threatening emergencies: 000
Brisbane City Council: 07 3403 8888
State Emergency Service (SES): 132 500
Energex (power lines): 13 19 62
Queensland Urban Utilities: 13 26 57 (13 23 64 for emergencies)
Community Recovery Hotline: 1800 173 349
Lifeline: 13 11 14