Most of us would have heard the familiar R’s – Reduce, reuse, and recycle. However, ‘R’U applying that mindset to your food?
Studies show that being mindful about food waste can not only save households thousands of dollars per year, but also save thousands of tonnes of food waste from being sent to our landfill.
Every day, Brisbane City Council works with residents and local communities to make sure the Brisbane of tomorrow is even better than the Brisbane of today. You can help by eating, saving and loving your way into a cleaner, greener and more sustainable 2024 by taking action with your food waste.
Planning to have leftovers is a great way to reduce food waste, save money, and to make the most of the time you spend in the kitchen preparing food. Council’s Save Money, Save Food Challenge is also a great way to help our community understand more about food waste in households and how making simple, positive changes can significantly reduce the amount of food and money that is thrown away.
Be smarter with the way you use your food and savings. Challenge yourself to plan and prepare meals in advance. Keeping a food calendar and planning for the week ahead saves time, money and the environment by only buying what you will use. Consider getting a friend or neighbour involved, you can swap excess ingredients or take turns catering for different meals. Freezing ready-made meals is another great way you can save money, food, and time for busy days. For more money-saving tips, explore Brisbane City Council’s website and start saving now!
Love a challenge by dusting off your favourite recipe book and getting creative to craft a new dish with food you already have at home. Left-overs can be used to form fabulous fried rice, delicious curries, perfect pies or even grazing plates for easy to share meal ideas. Love local produce by growing your own veggies and herbs or discovering more at your local community garden. Love being an inspiration and advocating for food waste behaviour change within your friend, work, and family networks.
Composting is a fantastic way to improve and replenish gardens and plants with left-over food peelings and scraps. To support this, Brisbane City Council’s compost rebate program is one way Council is demonstrating its commitment to a cleaner, greener and more sustainable city by providing up to $100 cash back to residents for eligible compost bins and worm farms.
The author
This post was written by the BSA Sustainable Living team! We’re here to help you reduce your environmental footprint and lower your cost of living along the way.