Archerfield Wetlands provide an important habitat for a diverse range of bird species, some of which are uncommon within the wider-Brisbane area.

Archerfield Wetlands has a wide diversity of habitats: grassland, river, wetland and woodland.  Over 170 species of birds have been recorded in those habitats in the last few years. A collaborative ongoing bird monitoring project between the Brisbane Sustainability Agency, BirdLife Southern Queensland and Birds Queensland commenced in early July 2021 with the establishment of eight 2-hectare transects along the length of the Wetlands Discovery Trail.

Birds are particularly good as indicators of environmental health and the state of an environment. Ongoing bird surveys will provide important information as to any habitat and environmental changes that may affect bird numbers and diversity.

An experienced birdwatcher may find 60-70 species of bird in a 3-4 hour morning walk through Archerfield Wetlands.

Record your sightings for science!

You can become a citizen scientist by recording your own bird sightings as your walk along the Wetlands Discovery Trail.  Your observations will contribute to scientific research and help gain an understanding of the abundance and diversity of bird species within Archerfield Wetlands over time.

To record your sightings online visit Ebird or Birddata.

Birds surveyed at Archerfield Wetlands to date

Below is a list of the bird species surveyed to date* within Archerfield Wetlands. Further information relating to these species can be found in the links below.

This eBird graph shows a visual representation of the variation in sighting frequency of birds at Archerfield Wetlands through the seasons.

*Note: survey last conducted August 2023

 Common nameSpecies name and link to further information
1Australasian darterAnhinga novaehollandiae
2Australasian figbirdSphecotheres vieilloti
3Australasian gannetMorus serrator
4Australasian grebeTachybaptus novaehollandiae
5Australasian swamphenPorphyrio melanotus
6Australian brushturkeyAlectura lathami
7Australian golden whistlerPachycephala pectoralis
8Australian hobbyFalco longipennis
9Australian king-parrotAlisterus scapularis
10Australian magpieGymnorhina tibicen
11Australian PelicanPelecanus conspicillatus
12Australian reed warblerAcrocephalus australis
13Australian white ibisThreskiornis molucca
14Bar-shouldered doveGeopelia humeralis
15Black kiteMilvus migrans
16Black-faced cuckoo-shrikeCoracina novaehollandiae
17Black-fronted dotterelElseyornis melanops
18Black-shouldered kiteElanus axillaris
19Blue-faced honeyeaterEntomyzon cyanotis
20Brown goshawkAccipiter fasciatus
21Brown honeyeaterLichmera indistincta
22Brown quailCoturnix ypsilophora
23Brown treecreeperClimacteris picumnus
24Brush cuckooCacomantis variolosus
25Buff-banded railGallirallus philippensis
26Cattle egretBubulcus ibis
27Channel-billed cuckooScythrops novaehollandiae
28Chestnut-breasted mannikinLonchura castaneothorax
29Collared sparrowhawkAccipiter cirrocephalus
30Comb-crested jacanaIrediparra gallinacea
31Common mynaAcridotheres tristis
32Common starlingSturnus vulgaris
33Crested pigeonOcyphaps lophotes
28Double-barred finchTaeniopygia bichenovii
29Dusky moorhenGallinula tenebrosa
30Eastern cattle egretBubulcus coromandus
31Eastern koelEudynamys orientalis
32Eastern whipbirdPsophodes olivaceus
33Eastern yellow robinEopsaltria australis
34Eurasian cootFulica atra
35Fairy martinPetrochelidon ariel
36Fan-tailed cuckooCacomantis flabelliformis
37Forest kingfisherTodiramphus macleayii
38GalahEolophus roseicapilla
39Golden-headed cisticolaCisticola exilis
40Great egretArdea alba
41Grey butcherbirdCracticus torquatus
42Grey fantailRhipidura albiscapa
43Grey goshawkAccipiter novaehollandiae
44Grey shrike-thrushColluricincla harmonica
45Grey tealAnas gracilis
46HardheadAythya australis
47Horsfield’s bronze cuckooChrysococcyx basalis
48Intermediate egretArdea intermedia
49Latham’s snipeGallinago hardwickii
50Laughing kookaburraDacelo novaeguineae
51Leaden flycatcherMyiagra rubecula
52Lewin’s honeyeaterMeliphaga lewinii
53Lewin’s railLewinia pectoralis
54Little black cormorantPhalacrocorax sulcirostris
55Little corellaCacatua sanguinea
56Little egretEgretta garzetta
57Little friarbirdPhilemon citreogularis
58Little lorikeetParvipsitta pusilla
59Little pied cormorantMicrocarbo melanoleucos
60Long-billed CorellaCacatua tenuirostris
61Magpie gooseAnseranas semipalmata
62Magpie-larkGrallina cyanoleuca
63Maned duckChenonetta jubata
64Mangrove gerygoneGerygone levigaster
65Masked lapwing*Vanellus miles
66MistletoebirdDicaeum hirundinaceum
67Noisy friarbirdPhilemon corniculatus
68Noisy minerManorina melanocephala
69Nutmeg mannikinLonchura punctulata
70Olive-backed orioleOriolus sagittatus
71Oriental dollarbirdEurystomus orientalis
72Pacific bazaAviceda subcristata
73Pacific black duckAnas superciliosa
74Pale-headed rosellaPlatycercus adscitus
75Pale-vented bush-henAmaurornis moluccana
76Peregrine falconFalco peregrinus
77Pheasant coucalCentropus phasianinus
78Pied butcherbirdCracticus nigrogularis
79Pied currawongStrepera graculina
80Plumed whistling-duckDendrocygna eytoni
81Powerful owlNinox strenua
82Rainbow bee-eaterMerops ornatus
83Rainbow lorikeetTrichoglossus moluccanus
84Red-backed fairy-wrenMalurus melanocephalus
85Red-browed finchNeochmia temporalis
86Rock doveColumba livia
87Rose robinPetroica rosea
88Royal spoonbillPlatalea regia
89Rufous fantailRhipidura rufifrons
90Rufous whistlerPachycephala rufiventris
91Sacred kingfisherTodiramphus sanctus
92Scaly-breasted lorikeetTrichoglossus chlorolepidotus
93Scarlet myzomelaMyzomela sanguinolenta
94Shining bronze cuckooChrysococcyx lucidus
95SilvereyeZosterops lateralis
96Spangled drongoDicrurus bracteatus
97Spectacled monarchSymposiarchus trivirgatus
98Spotless crakeZapornia tabuensis
99Spotted doveStreptopelia chinensis
100Spotted pardalotePardalotus punctatus
101Straw-necked ibisThreskiornis spinicollis
102Striated pardalotePardalotus striatus
103Striped honeyeaterPlectorhyncha lanceolata
104Sulphur-crested cockatooCacatua galerita
105Superb fairy-wrenMalurus cyaneus
106Tawny grassbirdCincloramphus timoriensis
107Topknot pigeonLopholaimus antarcticus
108Torresian crowCorvus orru
109Tree martinPetrochelidon nigricans
110Variegated fairy-wrenMalurus lamberti
111Welcome swallowHirundo neoxena
112Whistling kiteHaliastur sphenurus
113White-bellied sea eagleHaliaeetus leucogaster
114White-breasted woodswallowArtamus leucorynchus
115White-browed scrubwrenSericornis frontalis
116White-faced heronEgretta novaehollandiae
117White-throated gerygoneGerygone olivacea
118White-throated honeyeaterMelithreptus albogularis
119White-throated needletailHirundapus caudacutus
120White-throated treecreeperCormobates leucophaea
121Willie wagtailRhipidura leucophrys
123Yellow-faced honeyeaterCaligavis chrysops

The Oxley Ham and Bacon Factory

Between 1894 and 1994, a meat processing factory operated in the north-western area of the Archerfield Wetlands Parklands. If you are interested in learning more, the Oxley-Chelmer History Group have published a book on the history of the Oxley Ham and Bacon Factory.

Click here for further information.

Local community groups

The following historical and environmental organisations are active in the local area. For further information, including volunteering opportunities and future events, visit:

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