How to live for less

Articles to help you lower your cost of living, reduce your environmental footprint and connect with others in the Brisbane community.

What can we help you with?

COEX can refund scheme

Container exchange answer your recycling questions

The Containers for Change scheme has been operating in Queensland since November 2018 and provides participants with 10 cents for each eligible container returned to…
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Upcycling your way to make a #wemade wardrobe

Upcycle your own wardrobe or create new outfits from thrifted finds with these tips from Chloë Cipra on creating a #memade wardrobe.
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How to manage food waste at home

Live for Less looks at some ways to dispose of your food waste more sustainably, and we ask the local waste experts at Cleanaway and…
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Why growing snake beans is awesome

Live for Less editor Mike Watson is a snake bean convert after planting this high yielding veggie that loves the Brisbane heat and is easy to grow.…
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Fast growing edibles for autumn in South East QLD

Whether you plant in the ground or in pots, horticulturalist Claire Bickle rounds up the fastest-growing veggies and herbs for the warmer months in South-East Queensland.
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Fast growing edibles for spring in South East QLD

Whether you plant in the ground or in pots, horticulturalist Claire Bickle rounds up the fastest-growing veggies and herbs for the warmer months in South-East Queensland.
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Want weeds with that? Brisbane’s edible weed guide

Katie Irwin from Waste Not Collective shares her advice for growing your own food in the city.
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Keeping backyard chickens: getting started

So you’ve decided to embark upon the journey of keeping backyard chickens. Good on you! We have our resident chook expert Claire Bickle to tell…
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Essential tips for first time sewers

If you’ve been deliberating whether to get on the #memadeclothes trend, then this is for you. Chloe Cipra has started making her own clothes, and…
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