4 ways to get your recycling right every time  

REduce waste

Did you know that about 16% of the average general waste bin contains items that could have been recycled? That might not seem like a lot, but when you’re one of Australia’s fastest growing cities it adds up.

We’ve all got busy lives, but whether you’re living in an apartment with roommates, or have a busy family in suburbia, everyone can do their part to get their recycling right.  

Just knowing which items belong in the recycling bin can help to ensure we’re recycling as much as possible. Here are four ways we can all make a big difference in reducing waste to landfill and recycling.  

1. Keep it loose 

Place items in the recycling bin loose. Soft plastics like garbage bags can’t be recycled and should never be placed in the recycling bin. Bagging recycling causes contamination, so always keep items loose when they go into the recycling bin to help during the sorting process. 

Man recycling

2. Make sorting simple

Simplify your recycling by using a separate bin or box to collect recyclables from the kitchen, bathroom and laundry. It’s a simple way to keep recycling separate from general waste.  

Box of recycling

3. Recycle your metals

Recycling aluminium and steel saves resources and uses less energy than producing these metals from raw materials. So, make sure your empty aerosol cans, aluminium foil and food tins go into your recycling bin. 

Ball of aluminium foil

4. Recycle hard plastics  

Hard plastics, like shampoo and milk bottles, yoghurt tubs and ice cream containers, once recycled, can be turned into new products like garden furniture and decking. 

Remember, recycling doesn’t need to be complicated and every bit counts. And if you need to double check if an item belongs in the recycling bin or not, download Council’s free bin and recycling app, which has a handy A to Z guide on what items go in which bin.  

If you find your recycling bin getting full before the end of each fortnight, did you know Brisbane City Council offers a free recycling bin upgrade?

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