Are you Brisbane’s next climate champion?

Brisbane Sustainability Agency is proud to announce a new program run in partnership with Brisbane City Council, the Brisbane Carbon Challenge.

Brisbane City Council is supporting residents to reduce their household carbon emissions and save on bills through the Brisbane Carbon Challenge. The target of the challenge is to reduce household carbon emissions from home energy use, transport and waste to six tonnes on average by 2031.

Brisbane households currently create more than five million tonnes of carbon emissions each year or around 11.5 tonnes on average. Households reducing their carbon footprint will help reduce the impacts of climate change to their household and can help save money at the same time. To demonstrate how households can reduce their emissions by 50 per cent, we are looking for 20 Brisbane champion households to take part in the challenge.

By participating in the Brisbane Carbon Challenge, households will learn about the carbon emissions created as a result of their transport, home energy use and waste. Champion households receive information, tools and tailored incentives valued at up to $4500 and one-on-one coaching to help them reduce their household carbon footprint.

To be eligible, you must be a resident of Brisbane and willing to share your experiences over a 12-month period. Participants will be supported to complete a detailed household carbon footprint assessment and develop and implement an action plan to achieve a 50 per cent reduction in emissions. A tailored incentive package will be provided to each participating household to assist in implementing the recommended actions.

Want to know more? Read on.

What are carbon emissions, and why should we reduce them?

Carbon emissions are also called greenhouse gases, such as carbon dioxide and methane. Using electricity, driving a petrol car or putting rubbish into landfill all add carbon emissions to the atmosphere, and these emissions trap in our atmosphere causing global temperatures to rise and the global climate to change. The best way to take climate action is to reduce our carbon emissions.

How will my household’s emissions be measured?

Use the Brisbane Carbon Challenge Calculator to determine your household’s emissions. The calculator uses standardised emission factors to provide you with an estimate and focuses on transport, energy use and how much household waste is produced. The more information you can provide, the more accurate your house estimate will be.

Sign up to be a champion household today

Sign up to be a champion household for a chance to win prizes and access exclusive offers on products and services to help lower your carbon footprint.

If you think you’ve got what it takes to be a Brisbane Carbon Challenge champion household, find out more and apply here. You can also visit our FAQ page to find out more about the challenge.

If you prefer to tackle the issue without participating in the challenge, we have a list of useful resources providing tips and tricks for reducing your emissions at home. Visit our resources page here.

You can also share details of the Brisbane Carbon Challenge with your friends and colleagues to encourage their participation. Together, we can make Brisbane a cleaner and greener city.

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