Ready to make change for your organisation?

REduce waste

Brisbane residents have reaped the rewards of recycling through Containers for Change Queensland for years, and now it’s time for businesses, organisations, and community groups to unlock the benefits.

Containers for Change offers a range of solutions for organisations across Queensland. They work with government agencies, hospitality venues, educational institutions and stadiums to unlock the social, economic and environmental benefits of container recycling.

By participating, your organisation will contribute to a cleaner environment, improve your environmental footprint and enhance your organisation’s reputation as a leader in sustainability.

A standout example of Container for Change QLD’s success is Queensland Children’s Hospital (QCH). Since partnering in 2022, Queensland Children’s Hospital has experienced significant benefits while contributing to a circular economy.

Collecting around 9,000 containers per month, QCH uses the funds raised to improve patient experience inside the hospital community, by donating the funds to the Children’s Foundation and contributing to the sensory therapy garden in the Intensive Care Unit for children to enjoy.

Recently QCH was recognised through Brisbane City Council’s WasteSMART Brisbane Awards for diverting over 500,000 kilograms of health care waste through its 41 recycling streams, winning the People’s Choice and All-Star Awards. Read more about their inspiring initiatives here.

Whether you’re a small community group or a large organisation, the benefits of joining Containers for Change QLD are substantial.

For more information and to start your container collection journey, visit the ‘Partners’ page.

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